This dispenser is used to deliver 48 VP 721F or VP 721F-1 discs to Analytical Sales reaction plate #48012 so they can be stirred to speed the completion of the chemical reaction. This dispenser has a special collar that registers precisely to the Analytical Sales reaction plate.
V&P Stir elements were designed to mix and stir the contents of microplate wells and to facilitate chemical or biological reactions. These stir elements work best when used with the strong magnetic fields generated by our Vertical Tumble Stirrers or with our Lateral Vortex Stirrers using NdFeB magnetic cylinders. The strength of these magnetic fields is so strong that they will even cause inexpensive weakly magnetic stainless steel stir elements to tumble when they are even 12.8 cm above the stirrer's deck. Furthermore the cost of the stainless steel stir elements is so low as to be considered "disposable".
High Throughput Stirring Platform
The NdFeB magnetic cylinders used with both our Vertical and Lateral Tumble Stirrers are constructed to project a very strong magnetic field for 60 cm. When used with our Vertical Tumble Stirrers, microplates can be stirred when stacked 8 microplates high (12.8cm) with stainless steel stir elements and stirred up to 19 microplates high (30.4 cm) when used with NdFeB stir elements. This great projection of magnetic field strength allows for experiments of up to 40 microplates using stainless steel stir elements and 95 microplates when using NdFeB stir elements on a VP 710E5.
V&P Scientific's Unique and Patented Vertical Tumble Stirring Systems Applications
Vortex Lateral Tumble Stirrers
We found by simply standing a Vertical Tumble Stirrer on end using a VP 710C5-3 or VP 710C5-3A we created the world’s first LATERAL VORTEX MICROPLATE TUMBLE STIRRER (USA Patent #7,484,880, European Union Patent #1,736,235 and German Patent #60 2006 026 122.5). Instead of tumbling a stir element in the vertical plane like our Alligator Tumble Stirrer, the Lateral Vortex Tumble Stirrer spins the stir elements by tumbling them laterally against a side wall of the vessel. This spinning motion produces a vortex cone in the liquid and efficiently mixes the contents of the liquid. This vortex cone is similar to the vortex cones produced by conventional horizontal magnetic stirrers however unlike the conventional horizontal stirrers which require a unique drive magnetic field under each vessel, the Vortex Stirrer because of its lateral wall tumbling action only requires one drive magnetic field to stir thousands of vessels. The Vortex Tumble Stirrers work best with round micro wells, or round tubes, vials and bottles. Basically our customers can convert our VP 710 series Tumble Stirrers into Lateral Vortex Stirrers by standing them on end with our accessory stands (VP 710C5-3 or VP 710C5-3A) which hold the stirrer vertical.
The Lateral Vortex Tumble Stirrer causes stir elements of all sizes and shapes to tumble laterally and create a vortex cone inside each well. The Lateral Vortex Tumble Stirrer will stir all types of microplates (24, 48, 96, 384 and even 1536 wells). It will also stir V and U bottom microplates, PCR plates, micro-centrifuge tubes, test tubes, vials and bottles. The only Stir elements that are not compatible with the Lateral Vortex Tumble Stirrer are the Stainless Steel Discs as the magnetic field in these stir elements is oriented through the diameter of the disc. These discs will simply spin in the wells causing little stirring action.
Advantages of the System
• Can stir multiple, vials, tubes, large vessels and microplates simultaneously
• Complete stirring of large numbers of samples
• Uniformity of stirring of wells throughout the microplate
• Can run multiple experiments in parallel
• Get more reactions per gram of starting material
• Will stir even viscous solutions (honey & glycerol)
• No cross contamination – wells do not have to be sealed
• Simple to operate
• Customizable to robotic systems
• Can stir continuously for years without maintenance
• Computer control option is available