SOLIScript 1-step Probe Kit
Suitable for ROX-dependent and ROX-independent qPCR cyclers
For in vitro use only
SOLIScript 1-step Probe Kit is optimized for probe based one-step RT real-time quantitative PCR assays. It contains all the components necessary (except template, primers, and probes) to perform cDNA synthesis and probe based qPCR in a single tube.
- DNA/LNA hydrolysis probe based assays
- Suitable for singleplex or duplex reactions
Reagents Provided:
- 5x One-step Probe Mix
HOT FIREPol® DNA polymerase, reaction buffer,
dNTPs, 15 mM MgCl2 (1x qPCR solution - 3 mM MgCl2),
internal reference based on ROX dye
- 40x One-step SOLIScript Mix
SOLIScript Reverse Transcriptase, RiboGrip RNase
- Water, nuclease free
Shipping and Storage Conditions:
Routine storage: -20 °C Shipping and temporary storage for up to 1 month at room temperature has no detrimental effects on the quality of the reagents.