Parylene Coating of Tumble Stir Elements
V&P Scientific also offers inexpensive stainless steel stir elements that are coated with parylene, for those applications facilitated by mixing (combinatorial chemistry and redox synthesis) where Fe molecules may interfere with the reaction, or the stirrers would be attacked by strong acids or bases. The low cost of these parylene coated stir elements allows them to be considered "disposable". Parylene (Di-Para-Xylylene) is deposited on the surface of the stirrer in a very uniform 0.05 mm thick layer, thus protecting the stirrers from strong acids and bases. Parylene coated stirrers can be autoclaved or sterilized in hot air ovens without harming the conformal coating. Parylene can be heated to 200°C without harming the surface.
Parylene is also compatible with biological applications. In fact, parylene is used to coat materials for implant procedures, as it is completely non-toxic to tissues. A very complete discussion of parylene's barrier characteristics, properties and methods of deposition is found at this hyperlink. Another page is dedicated to parylene’ s resistance to organic solvents, acids and bases.
Many of the applications using parylene coated stainless steel stir element fall into the categories of parallel synthesis, combinatorial chemistry and redox synthesis that are done by pharmaceutical companies and most are never published in order to keep their data and methods private. One of our customers at a large pharmaceutical company sent us this complement in an email -
"Patty and Patrick-
There is a long, official process (read: involves Legal department) for allowing endorsements of products with _______'s and/or my name. However, I would be happy to share my personal feedback to you. If you would like to refer this to anyone as unofficial information (ie, "It came from someone in Process R&D in major Pharma."), that would be great. At the least, you'll see exactly why I love these stirrers.
Feedback for the Tumble Stirrers is this: enabling technology. I am now enabled to create reaction blocks and customize them to robotic systems with great ease. Why? The narrow deck height of the Tumble stirrers (even my larger strength units) combined with flexibility of alignment for the stirrers to the reaction vessels means I can use them almost anywhere.
The fact that I can use the same stirrer deck with any type/size of reactor simply by changing a mounting plate atop the stirrer deck gives me the kind of flexibility I require for parallel synthetic development of processes. That flexibility enables access to a wider range of projects (smaller scale) and a wider range of reaction conditions. I get more reactions per gram of starting material for evaluation of more diverse conditions, and I generate results faster because I run more of the experiments in parallel using the same amount of starting material. In one word, Tumble Stirring is enabling.
Oh, and the quality of agitation is fantastic for liquid-liquid mixes, slurries, or even oil suspensions.
Thanks again for this terrific product.
A partial list of articles referencing our products and organized by application can be found on this page.
Click here for a list of published articles that cite parylene coating of various articles.
The Parylene Coated Tumble Stirrers can be dispensed with the same dispensers as their non-coated counterparts.
V&P Stir elements were designed to mix and stir the contents of microplate wells and to facilitate chemical or biological reactions. These stir elements work best when used with the strong magnetic fields generated by our Vertical Tumble Stirrers or with our Lateral Vortex Stirrers using NdFeB magnetic cylinders. The strength of these magnetic fields is so strong that they will even cause inexpensive weakly magnetic stainless steel stir elements to tumble when they are even 12.8 cm above the stirrer's deck. Furthermore the cost of the stainless steel stir elements is so low as to be considered "disposable".
High Throughput Stirring Platform
The NdFeB magnetic cylinders used with both our Vertical and Lateral Tumble Stirrers are constructed to project a very strong magnetic field for 60 cm. When used with our Vertical Tumble Stirrers, microplates can be stirred when stacked 8 microplates high (12.8cm) with stainless steel stir elements and stirred up to 19 microplates high (30.4 cm) when used with NdFeB stir elements. This great projection of magnetic field strength allows for experiments of up to 40 microplates using stainless steel stir elements and 95 microplates when using NdFeB stir elements on a VP 710E5.
V&P Scientific's Unique and Patented Vertical Tumble Stirring Systems Applications
V&P Scientific’s Unique and Patented Lateral Vortex Tumble Stirring Applications