Cleaver Scientific now offers a comprehensive range of Combination Packages to suit any budget or horizontal electrophoresis application.
The MultiSUB Choice offers a wide degree of versatility. Three tray options are available; 15 x 7cm, 15 x 10cm and 15 x 15cm - allowing the choice of one, two or all three gel length options at the time of purchase. Further purchases of additional accessories are no longer required. Maximising comb and tray options allow up to 210 samples to be resolved per gel. The 15cm total run length allows restriction fragment or other close MW sample bands to be easily separated and identified. Speed loading is accomplished using 10, 14, 16, or 18 sample multi-channel pipette compatible combs.
Our nanoPAC Mini Power supply series are ultra-compact and economical units ideal for use with DNA/RNA (Horizontal) and protein (vertical) electrophoresis systems. Our new models include a simple two step feature which allows users to set a programmable change in voltage/ current/time during the run to provide increased versatility. Simply press MODE and program STEP 1 and STEP2 to the desired setting and then start and the nanoPAC will automatically run the steps in sequence.