NOVASBIO multi-well PCR Plates (96 and 384) ensure rapid and efficient heat transfer between tube contents and cycler block. Experimental success relates directly to the use of the highest quality consumables. The physical performance of these consumables can lead to great variances in test results. To obtain exceptional results, wall thickness must be extremely precise and remain consistent throughout to ensure even thermal transfer between the plate well and cycler block.
PCR plates typically have an alphanumeric matrix of tube wells in rows and columns. Each well is essentially an individual PCR tube designed to hold a small volume of the PCR reaction mixture, which typically includes DNA template, primers, nucleotides, and DNA polymerase enzyme. These components undergo a rapid cycling process of heating and cooling.
These NOVASBIO 2-component, hard-shell plates feature polycarbonate frames to provide rigidity, while the wells in which the heat transfer occurs, are made of polypropylene. The rigid frame makes these plates particularly suited to automated processes. In addition, plate warpage is minimised during the PCR process helping prevent evaporation from compromised sealing and enhancing signal across the plate.
Compatible Instruments
Applied Biosystems: Bio-Rad: Chromo4, DNA Engine Opticon 2 Analytik Jena: qTOWER3, qTOWER3 Touch