All Reagents products
Extraction Matrix for DNA/RNA extraction
£248.06 -
L2 Buffer for DNA/RNA extraction
£148.84 -
L6 Buffer for DNA/RNA extraction
£155.78 -
Phenol chloroform 5:1 solution (125:24:1)
£69.46 – £158.76 -
Phenol, saturated pH 6.6/7.9
£73.43 – £148.84 -
Phenol, Water saturated pH 4.5 (Supplied with tris buffer)
£36.71 – £119.08 -
Phenol, Water saturated, Equilibrated with 10 mM Tris HCl, pH 8.0, 1 mM EDTA
£69.46 -
Phenol:Chloroform 1:1 pH 6.7/8.0
£77.40 – £119.08 -
Phenol:Chloroform: Isoamyl Alcohol 1:1 pH 5.2
£77.40 – £119.08 -
Phenol:Chloroform:Isoamyl Alcohol (25:24:1) (Supplied with tris buffer)
£49.61 – £148.84 -
TRIREAGENT Severn RNA/DNA/PROTEIN Isolution solution
£178.61 – £210.36 -
Tris Buffer Adjuster-Saturated