Microscopes and Imagers
We offer complete systems for microscopy in a variety of environments. The HERMES High Throughput imaging system is an ideal solution for advanced imaging experiments while the ioLight field microscopes can be used in a large number of situations.
All Microscopes and Imagers products
HoloMonitor M4 System
HoloMonitor M4FL Fluorescence Unit
HoloMonitor M4 Laser Unit
HoloMonitor M4 XYZ Stage
1 year extended warranty for EzScope 101
20x objective lens
35 mm culture dish and slide adaptor for XY stage
60 mm culture dish and slide adaptor for XY stage
Athena Zebrafish Image Analysis Software
Blue Vessel Holder for Microslide
Blue Vessel Holder for Multiwell plate
Blue Vessel Holder for Petri Dish