Thistle Scientific works with Universities across the UK to simplify order processing by hosting our products catalogue on internal or shared procurement platforms. Below you can see the list of platforms that currently host our catalogues. If you would like to host the Thistle Scientific catalogue on your system, please contact us here.

Advanced Marketplace

Formerly Science Warehouse. This Catalogue host all of our products for many university customers as well as the UKSBS frameworks.

Jaggaer One

Formerly SciQuest. We currently host catalogues for several Universities and can enable more on request.

Zageno Marketplace

Our ibidi product range is currently hosted on Zageno. If you use this platform and would like access to more products, please contact us

Edge 4 Health

All of our products are hosted on the Edge4Health system for access by NHS trusts across the UK. To enable specific pricing for your trust please contact us.