Below you can find a list of frequently asked questions to help answer and queries you may have.
If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to contact us by clicking the button below, or call us on +44 (0) 1698338844
Can you help me choose the correct product?
Yes! Our sales team are extensively trained on all our products. Click here to contact us with your questions.
How can I find products on your website?
The easiest way to find a product is using the search bar at the top of this page. You can also navigate both product categories and product brands using the links in the main navigation bar. Filters on the left hand side of the page let you narrow your search.
Can I book a visit with your representative?
Yes! We have a team of sales representatives covering the whole of the UK. To get in touch with your local rep, just contact us by clicking here.
Can you send me a sample of your products?
Yes! Many of our products are available as free samples so you can make sure they fit into your existing protocols. To request a sample, simply find the product you are interested and contact us with the catalogue number. We will let you know if a free sample is available.
How can I get technical support?
If you have an issue with a product the best thing to do is call us on 01698 338844. We can find the best person to deal with your issue. Alternatively you can contact us online here and we will get back to you ASAP.
Can I get a quotation for a product?
Yes! Its easy to get a quotation. Simple add the products you are interested in to your basked, then hit “Get A Quote” at checkout. Fill in your details and a member of our team will be in touch with your quotation.
Why are you called Thistle Scientific?
The Thistle is the national flower of Scotland, where we are based.
Ordering and Payment
Can I order products online?
Yes! Any product that shows a price on our website is available to order online. Simply add it to your cart and checkout using one of our payment methods.
Do I need to set up an account to order online?
No. You can order and pay online without an account. If you have an existing credit account with us, you can choose to pay with it during checkout.
Can I use a pre-existing account to pay?
Yes! If you have an existing credit account with us, you can choose to pay this way during checkout and you will be invoiced as normal.
Can I buy your products through my University’s internal system?
Yes! Our products are hosted on many procurement system catalogues. For full details see this page.
Our products are also available through the following framework agreements:
APUC – LAB 1014 AP Liquid Handling Robotics & Laboratory Automation Systems
LUPC – LAB 5054 LU Life Science Equipment
LUPC – LAB 5028 LU Laboratory Equipment Supply, Installation, Delivery & Post Installation Services
UKSBS – RE 160396 Laboratory Consumables
UKSBS – RE 18203 Non-Disposable Handheld Pipette, Repeaters & Pipette Controllers
Do your prices include VAT?
No. By default, all pricing on our website is shown without VAT. On our product pages you can find a switch that looks like this:
This allows you to toggle between VAT exclusive and VAT inclusive pricing.
VAT will be added at checkout unless you upload a VAT exemption certificate.
How can I pay for my order?
You can pay for your order online using a credit or debit card or you can choose to pay with an existing credit account. If you would like to use another payment method or set up a new account, you can choose “Pay via return call” and we will contact you to progress your order.
How long does it take to deliver my order?
In stock items are usually delivered within 2-3 days. For larger equipment and non-stocked items, we will confirm lead times with the manufacturer and relay these to you ASAP.
Where is my order and how can I track it?
To get a status update on your order, call us on 01698 338844 or contact us online by clicking here.
What are your delivery charges?
We charge £15 delivery for standard items under £300. Delivery for consumables orders over £300 is free. Equipment delivery prices vary and we will contact you with a price during the ordering process.
For hazardous items we charge £25 delivery.
Please defer to the quoted carriage charges on checkout as these prices are subject to change.
For orders shipped on dry ice there will be varied delivery charge based on the size of your order, please contact us for more information.
Do you deliver outside of the UK?
Yes! We can deliver many of our products outside the UK. Shipping charges are shown in the checkout. For larger orders, contact us for a shipping quote.
Web Scientific
Why has the Web Scientific website directed me here?
Web Scientific is a subsidiary of Thistle Scientific. To simplify the ordering process for our customer, all Web Scientific products are now available trough Thistle Scientific.
The Web Scientific website will now redirect to the relevant pages on this website and all orders will be process as normal.
Can I buy all Web Scientific products from Thistle Scientific?
Yes! All products previously available through Web Scientific are now available through Thistle Scientific.
Do I need a new account with Thistle Scientific?
No. You can request to pay on an existing Web Scientific account, just select “Pay on Account” at checkout.
How can I find Web Scientific Products?
All product categories from Web Scientific are marked with a “WEB” flag in our navigation menu. If you can’t find what you are looking for, just contact us and we can help.