Policy Statement

Thistle Scientific Ltd and its employees recognise the impact that our business can have on the environment. Therefore, Thistle Scientific Ltd is committed to minimising this impact wherever possible by utilising environmentally friendly techniques at every stage of our operations. Thistle Scientific Ltd is further committed to ensuring that our suppliers and operators are fully compliant with current all aspects of EU Environmental Legislation.


  1. To minimise the environmental impact of our operations.
  2. To operate within full compliance of Environmental Law.


  1. To identify the areas where our operations who result in environmental impact.
  2. To employ environmental practices to identify the most effective and efficient methods of minimising or eliminating environmental impact.
  3. To manage our operations to ensure compliance with best practice.
  4. To ensure that training and support is available to all employees and make them aware of their responsibilities under Environmental Law and how compliance is achieved/maintained.


Thistle Scientific Ltd is an environmentally conscious organisation and acknowledges the potential impact our operations have on the environment.

This policy has been endorsed by Adrian Cleaver, Managing Director with unwavering support for its implementation. He is ultimately responsible for ensuring that this policy is understood and implemented/maintained at all levels within the Company.

Thistle Scientific Ltd are fully committed to the prevention of pollution and the continual assessment/improvement of the company’s environmental performance. Thistle Scientific Ltd ensures: –

  1. Compliance with all applicable legal requirements and Approved Codes of Practice which relate to our environmental aspects;
  2. All employees are provided with the necessary resources to fulfil the requirements of this policy;
  3. All waste materials which can be practically reused or recovered in order to protect and preserve the natural environment are recycled;
  4. That energy, materials and other natural resources are used as efficiently as possible, giving consideration to the long-term sustainability of consumable items.
  5. All employees and organisations associated with Thistle Scientific Ltd are expected to co-operate and assist in the implementation of this policy, whilst ensuring that their own works, so far as is reasonably practicable, are carried out without risk to themselves, others and the environment.

Policy Review

This policy is reviewed annually.

Carbon Reduction Policy

Thistle Scientific encourages all employees to adopt a workplace or company travel plan. This is a strategy for managing the travel generated by the organisation, with the aim of reducing its impact on the highway network in terms of congestion and environmental impact. Travel plans typically comprise measures to reduce single occupancy car journeys, encouraging the use of sustainable modes such as walking, cycling, public transport, car sharing or the switch to low environmental impact vehicles (electric cars) wherever possible and by also reducing the need to travel.

The benefits of adopting the recommendation of workplace travel plans include:

  1. Reducing the demand for car parking;
  2. Contributing towards Thistle Scientific’s social responsibility improvements, including meeting environmental targets
  3. Saving money on the cost of providing & maintaining parking spaces at our sites;
  4. Cutting mileage claims and other business travel costs
  5. Reducing staff downtime spent travelling on business
  6. Lessen traffic congestion on & around our company sites and those of our customers
  7. Improve our company image with our customers, suppliers and neighbors
  8. Minimise delays to deliveries & movement of goods off site
  9. Improve employee health and reduce absenteeism
  10. Improve punctuality by reducing congestion delays and supporting more reliable means of transport.